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ICHORS GLAIVE Solstice of an Ancient God LP

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Image of ICHORS GLAIVE Solstice of an Ancient God LP
  • Image of ICHORS GLAIVE Solstice of an Ancient God LP

Vinyl version of this US band first demo tape. A duo formed by Collier d'Ombre (CdO, Kveldstimmer, Ghemhamforash, Karghet, etc.) and Azeruel Woldaeg, Ichords Glaive tread the pathways of old mysticism and monolithic majesty. Forged with thunder and hammer, the Ichor becomes the Glaive to be thrust upon the unfaithful under the wisdom of the old gods. 30 minutes of massive Black Metal, inspired by greats such as Forest, Rundagor or Judas Iscariot, and definitely reminiscing with Fellwinter, Orkblut, Regnum Tenebrarum and others from the Ancient Hounds hordes. A misty haze of myrrh and incense covers the battlefield as the lamb is about to be slain. Droning and gelid riffs cut like hailstorm and carry a truly eschatological, desolate obsession, ablaze under the moon's gaze, while the rumbling of the bass sets fire to the hearts and blades held high. The absolutely incessant blasting and warlike drumming absolutely takes this to a next step as well.

Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFl2GCYlo4A&t=54s